Accessorizing your Strength, Courage, and Purpose with casual POSITIVE vibes!
Check out all of the amazing items and place your order TODAY! : )

HOPE is the confidence that gives you the courage to step out and try! There will be times in life when you will need to dig down deep within your very being … when uncontrollable circumstances surround you … and a shadow of hopelessness tries to descend upon you!
It is at that time that you must fight with every ounce of being that you can!
Have faith that there will be a light in the darkened sky! Have strength so that you can put one foot in front of the other and carry-on! Have enough love to touch and heal the souls around you! Have HOPE to embrace the dawn and the new beginning!
Whenever you feel like you just simply are not able to handle life‘s challenging situation, listen carefully and you will hear that still small whisper of HOPE reminding you that you are strong!
HOPE lives around every corner, behind every cloud, and inside every situation! Believe in HOPE! Look for it and you will find it when you need it most!
These cute HOPE bracelets are the perfect accessory to wear to remind yourself on the daily that no matter what you are going through, there is always HOPE!
Shop the Hope Series by clicking on the picture!
You are a one-of-a-kind unique amazing person! There is no other individual in this universe that is the same as you … and that is to be celebrated!
Let go of criticisms and comparisons and focus on your positive traits and what makes you unique … accept where you are right now … work on / change / let go of the negatives that are holding you back!
There is beauty in being yourself! You have a purpose! Have confidence in yourself and who you are created to be!
There is a beautiful world out there for you to explore and to experience! Take your unique one-of-a-kind individual gifts and talents and abilities and share them with others and bring betterment to this world!
These cute HEART and LOVE bracelets are the perfect accessory to wear to remind yourself on the daily that loving and accepting yourself and others doesn’t mean you always agree with each other, but that you acknowledge that each of you have a role to play in the betterment of this world!

Shop the HEART and LOVE Series by clicking on the picture!

Always remember your worth … you are enough! Keep your eyes on your own journey and stay in your own lane! Embrace the process of the journey and face your ebbs and flows with courage!
Social media / advertising / etc pushes hard with a message that tries to have you believe that you have to look a certain way / talk a certain way / etc in order to be enough!
Perfection is an illusion though! It’s okay to have flaws … everyone has them … everyone!
Focus on your positivities … be real … and be true to yourself and who you are created to be!
Be strong and be bold and shine brightly!
You are enough … you are valuable … you are irreplaceable!
These powerful I AM ENOUGH ring and necklace are the perfect accessory to wear to remind yourself on the daily that no matter what you have gone through or what has been spoken over you, you are enough!
Shop the I AM ENOUGH Series by clicking on the picture!
Peace is a process that requires a journey that begins inwardly! It challenges you to learn more about yourself while allowing you to grow and move forward in a positive manner!
When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with those around you! You see in others what you carry in your heart! Hate has caused a lot of problems in this world; however, it has yet to resolve any!
The person sitting next to you, the person in the next state, the person on the other side of the world … they all have dreams and hopes and fears just like you! Talking about peace is great … working on it and believing in it is a must!
These cute WORLD PEACE bracelets are the perfect accessory to wear to remind yourself on the daily to do your part on bringing peace to your corner of the world!

Shop the PEACE Series by clicking on the picture!

There will be times in life when you trip … there will be times in life when you stumble … there will be times in life when you fall down.
No matter what … always persevere … always get back up!
It doesn’t matter if it is the first time, the tenth time or the millionth time … always, always, always get back up and keep pushing forward!
Each time you get up, you build more character, more strength, more endurance, more grit, more drive!
Never ever ever ever give up!
These cute NEVER GIVE UP bracelets are the perfect accessory to wear to remind yourself on the daily to never ever ever ever give up!
Shop the NEVER GIVE UP Series by clicking on the picture!
Designers Club!!! : ) : ) : )

I am sooo excited about the Designers Club!!!
Each month you will receive a brand new inspirational item from the Leah Freeman Designs Collection that has been specifically created for the amazing ladies in the Designers Club!!! These items are exclusive to the Designers Club and are not sold on the website!
The items continue to inspire you to reach your goals and celebrate your successes and speak positivity over you and instill strength, courage, and purpose within you!
Be sure to include your moms, sisters, aunts, daughters, gal pals, etc! These monthly treasures are a great way to keep yourself motivated, inspired, and staying positive and it’s a great way to treat your friends / family / coworkers / etc!

I am so excited to finally announce the launch of Leah Freeman Designs! I have been working on this project for a l-o-n-g time and it is finally coming to fruition! #trusttheprocess You are going to absolutely LOVE the casual POSITIVE vibe that Leah Freeman Designs offers!
I am new to the e-commerce world, so please be patient with the process! You’re not dealing with an oversized corporate entity that is removed from the process! It’s me … an individual small business owner who is working really hard to provide POSITIVE supportive avenues in a time where negativity seems to be overwhelming and even daunting at times in this world! I am doing exactly what I communicate to my clients at Bellaire Women’s Fitness … start where you are … start with what you have … start with fear … start with doubt … start with hands shaking … start with voice trembling … just get started! Start and do not stop!
Will there need to be adjustments made along the way … yes there will!
Will there need to be improvements made along the way … yes there will!
Will my ecommerce skillset grow along the way … yes it will!
But I started!!! Imperfect crazy big step right into a whole new realm!!!
Phase One is up and running and there is sooo much more yet to be developed!!! Stay tuned!!!
A portion of all proceeds are donated to help women in need / in a time of crisis in life!
If you have any questions or issues with your order etc, please feel free to reach out to me directly
leah (at) bellairewomensfitness . com
Office: 713 . 303 . 3565
Hugs and love always,